A reminder that berthing fees run concurrently with membership from November 1st to October 31st each year. Please remember to renew your berth(s) when you renew your membership.
When renewing, you will be asked to fill out a (new) form in WebCollect for each berth that you hold.
Of particular importance for renewals is the Berth Number field. This will help the Club reconcile any boat discrepancies. You will be notified by the Berthing Secretary if the berth you enter does not match club records. Keeping accurate records of boats on site helps the Club resolve any berthing disputes and also enables us to identify who to contact should anything happen to your boat(s). If you do not wish to renew a berth plase notify the Berthing Secretary so that the berth can be re-allocated.
Please ensure that berthing-secretary@fossc.org.uk is added to your trusted sender list to avoid losing emails to spam!
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