FOSSC has a number of established classes and boats which fall into these are automatically accepted. Of these, the following have their own start for most races:
Others compete in the Handicap fleet, primarily due to the smaller number of each that race regularly, including:
In order to gain class racing status, a minimum of 6 boats must be racing regularly and this is regularly reviewed by the Sailing Committee.
Other classes (other than those listed above) that are also currently accepted in the Handicap fleet include 420, Comet, Europe, Firefly, GP14, Graduate, Gull, Heron, Lark, Lightning, Miracle, OK, Pico, Rooster 8.1, RS Aero, RS Feva and Wanderer.
If you wish to sail a boat of any other class, it will require permission in advance from the Sailing Committee and must generally conform to all of the following requirements:
- Must have neither a bowsprit nor trapeze
- Must be no longer than 15ft long
- Must have a published Portsmouth Yardstick no lower than 1000.
Members wishing to sail classes that do not conform to all of these requirements may be given a letter of dispensation from the Sailing Committee to do so, which will be agreed on a case-by-case basis. Any such dispensation granted would be without expiry but with the club reserving the right to withdraw the dispensation by giving 2 years notice.

Fleet Captain: Phil Kirk

Fleet Captain: Henry Beck
Link to association website:

Fleet Contact: Malcolm Shepherd
International Mirror Association

Fleet Captain: Ian Hayward
The British Moth class is in its 81st year and is ideally suited to Frampton On Severn. The boat can be set up to suit a range of helm weights and experience, offering great fun in a friendly fleet. You can find out more about the class on the British Moth website, or by talking to a British Moth sailor at the club. Boats can be bought new or second hand, with good boats starting at a relatively low price compared to other classes.
Nationally there is an active open circuit and last year the class attracted 40 boats to its national championships held at Northampton Sailing club.

Fleet Captain:
Link to the UK Optimist Association

Fleet Captain: Rob Cyphus
Boon boats tuning guideSpeed sails tuning guide
Wavelength designs tuning guide
Solo Sailboat Trim and Race Guide

Class Captain:
Link to association website: International Topper Association

Byte CII
Class Captain: Sue Beynon
The Byte CII is a single handed dinghy, ideal for the lighter weight sailor. It has a Mylar, fully battened sail on a flexible carbon-fibre mast that allows the boat to be easily de-powered in heavier winds while still retaining power for lighter winds. A smaller C1 rig is also available.
See class association below for more information, or speak to the class captain at FOSSC.
Link to association website: Byte Class Association